India's Women Pilot Association (IWPA)

What's in it for YOU?

Our Calling
What gets us flying...
How it all began...
Been there, done that, conferred!
Meet the IWPs
What we are up to...
What's in it for YOU?
Welcome to the Club!
Say you belong!
WebCaptain's Note
The E-geeks' Paradise

For years we have been unknowingly selfish and antiquely self-contained. For too long our membership oppurtunities have been a question of only chance meetings and the occasional word of mouth.
No more!
Now it's thrown open...
Now its yours to take...
Sail that thermal,
Utilise this hefty tailwind,
Immerse yourself in this priory of common passion
                                          because there's just so much to gain!
The oppurtunity to finally know your'e not alone
The chance to discuss flying stuff on a forum
The chance to suggest changes you think are long overdue
The chance to mentor a little girl, like you were too once...
The chance to mentor a little boy - Imagine his idol: you?
The chance to convene here - you know you won't go home unanswered.
The chance to explore scholarship oppurtunities...
The chance to read informative articles
The chance to write informative articles
The chance to lurk on a scene you wish was around when you needed it the most...
The chance to be part of conferences, networking...
The chance to experience this inclusive camaraderie...
The chance to contribute
The chance to unite.
IWPA Online Membership Form

What you go by
Last Name
Middle Name (if any)
First Name
Postal Address
Home Phone Number
Work Phone Number
Cell Phone Number
E-Mail Addresses:
License/Certificate Type
Instrument Rating
Multi Engine Rating
Flight Instructor Rating
Seaplane Rating
Any other Ratings - Ground Instructor, CFII, Airline Check Pilot ...
Total Flight Time
Aircraft Experience - Make & Model Alltime Favorite? Why her?
When did you start flying?
Where you received flight training
How your first solo went (Details! Anecdotes!)
What inspired you to fly
Challenges encountered
Oppositions faced - social, economic,family time...
How these were overcome to achieve your goal
Was it all worth it?
What is the one, most treasured gift that learning to fly has given you?
Would you encourage others, especially women to fly?
Current Profession
Interests; other than flying (Yeah Right!)
Note - Your space to emote! Tell all! Engross Us!

The best things in life are free!
So although we are not asking the moon in return for our friendship - we do need a little something from you for the upkeep of our website and other incidental association costs.
We offer a Biannual membership at Rs. 200 and a Life membership at Rs. 1000 - Youvé probably figured out which one makes most sense already, but in case you haven't,  we won't worry - Once youvé savoured our bounties for two years you'll be hooked on to this like nothing the rave parties can ever give you!
You can either pay us online, or if you are more comfortable sending us a check, do so at the IWPA address mentioned on every webpage on this site.
Welcome to the Club!

Indian Women Pilots' Association
Vinod Villa, 10th Road, Khar (W), Mumbai 400 052. #0091 22 2648 5318