Since the begining, we have organised many events - big and small, and been involved in various aviation
activities. When we started way back in the 1960s, I think we underestimated how far we would get!
After being at the merciless pressure of our webcaptain's memory-tapping, we have come up with the following
summary of what we have been able to accomplish in the last three decades:
World Aviation Education & Safety Congress, New Delhi, 1986
This event, sponsored by the Ninety-Nines Inc., and Aero Club of India was the first of it's kind in Asia
and was inaugurated by the then Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi. Over three hundred delegates from different parts of the world
particpated in the Congress. It was a great success with having world-renowned speakers deliberating on various aviation related
World Aviation Education & Safety Congress, Bombay, 1994.
Inaugurated by Air Chief Marshal S.K.Kaul, I.A.F., this Congress had speakers like Lt. Manja Block, the
world's first woman F-16 fighter pilot from Holland, Capt. Suzanna Darcy, the first woman test pilot of Boeing and Cliff Robertson,
actor, author and aviator.
Women in Aviation Conference, Mumbai, 2001.
In an attempt to encompasse the women at work in aviation in all spheres of the aviation realm, this conference
aimed at bringing together speakers from all possible vocations in the spectrum - pilots, engineers, scientist, a sky diver...
Organised jointly by the IWPA and the AeSI, this conference had a very varied set of topics discussed.
Commemorative Stamp
50 yrs of Indian Women pilots - a commerative stamp and event held at the Air_ India Building at Nariman
The Nehru Science Center Aerospace Hall
One of our finest accomplishments yet, the Aerospace hall was the brainchild of our President and Secretary,
Chanda and Mohini.
These two lovely ladies approached the Nehru Science Center (NSC) with the idea in 1998, but actual work
started on it only in October 2002 after the financial constraints started to ease up. Thereafter, the expert team at NSC
worked feverishly with the Indian Women Pilots’ Association, Aeronautical Society of India, Department of Aerospace,
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Indian Space Research Organisation, 99s International and other miscellaneous organisations
to collect conceptual data and information for the exhibits. The hall opened to the public on December 17, 2003, so as to
be able to commemorate the Centenary of Aviation.
A big success, the Aerospace Hall continues to attract young students and old enthusiasts alike everyday.
In order to document this project, the IWPA created a little video of the exhibit, a sort of project report if you may, which
may be downloaded from this location.
Indian Women Pilots' Association
Vinod Villa, 10th Road, Khar (W), Mumbai 400 052. #0091 22 2648 5318 webcaptain@iwpa.org.