Here's a short list of what you can expect as a member:
- Dietary Advice
All of us pilots, whether women or men, will have one thing to say when it comes to the bane of flying:
the medical! The dreaded, dreaded medical. Crash diets abound, wrong practices show their devious ways - but we never seem
to get to the bottom of what will help get us out of the vicious circle. Professional Dietician Shana Kulkarni analyses pilot
routines, and shows the way.
- Stress & Time Management Simplified
There's no need to hide it... everyone knows what a grouch you become
once you are out of the air and under the excrutiating compels of gravity. Especially when you fly for hire, you don't seem
to have the time for anything! Dr. Google Goodhope lists out all the things that you can do to make your life livable as possible
witht that pilot lifestyle.
- How to get the word out, with the right words
Have so many ideas... brainwaves while flying... but just dont
know how to put it? Sonal Gopujkar delineates the procedures. A step-by-step guide on how to write - especially
on aviation. The Dummy's Guide to Aviation Writing, if you may...