India's Women Pilot Association (IWPA)

WebCaptain's Note

Our Calling
What gets us flying...
How it all began...
Been there, done that, conferred!
Meet the IWPs
What we are up to...
What's in it for YOU?
Welcome to the Club!
Say you belong!
WebCaptain's Note
The E-geeks' Paradise

I W P Webmates Ahoy!
Hope you enjoyed surfing this amateurly, but passionately created e-location.
Although I've been writing for a while now, it is only my second go at creating a website - so do feel free to drop in a line- If you liked what you saw and read - If you hated the site - or even if you just wanted to say hello!
Wherever pertinent, I have made links out of words that will lead you to applicable pages - some in this site; some in others.
Also, since this is a congregation of Indian women pilots, I understand that English may not be the first language for many of us... Since I do tend to get extraodinarily, peskily lexicographic at times, I have made it a point to add dictionary links throughout the site, wherever I have felt I have gone out of bounds of the regular vocabulary.
Checklist Complete :),
WebCaptain Sonal Gopujkar

Note for the WebCaptain?  WebCaptain's Notes

Indian Women Pilots' Association
Vinod Villa, 10th Road, Khar (W), Mumbai 400 052. #0091 22 2648 5318