India's Women Pilot Association (IWPA)

Our Calling

Our Calling
What gets us flying...
How it all began...
Been there, done that, conferred!
Meet the IWPs
What we are up to...
What's in it for YOU?
Welcome to the Club!
Say you belong!
WebCaptain's Note
The E-geeks' Paradise

A group of over a hundred and fifty and increasing, we get together as a body of humans with not one, but two common grounds: flying, a phenomenon famous for it's binding qualities and gender, another distinctly cohesive force.
Contrary to what our name might possibly suggest, we are not in this for male-bashing! So all surfers with that bubbling testosterone, collapse all thy barriers! We are here because we love to fly, and because there are certain subtleties to the gender that we occasionally like to huddle about... no other hidden agenda!
In fact, we have some male honorary members too - Interested?
In this day and age - especially in the era of the most talked about Indian Airline Industry, more and more female voices are being heard on the aviation airwaves. This website has been conceived and orchestrated to reach out to all you women pilots, within the country and beyond, to convene at... and also as a general platform of representation.
Although we call ourselves the women pilots organisation, our membership is open to air traffic controllers, flight dispatchers, engineers, airport managers, sky divers, educators, students - heck, anyone interested in aviation is welcome!
The idea is to share the passion - the passion of flight.
The passion of being a woman aviator.
Welcome aboard.

Indian Women Pilots' Association
Vinod Villa, 10th Road, Khar (W), Mumbai 400 052. #0091 22 2648 5318